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Concertos "light"
  (DC00257) : 16,62   Ajouter au panier

cover Concertos "light" DA CAMERA
Publisher : DA CAMERA
Genre : Instrumental music
Group : Oboe

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Famous concerto themes suitable for oboe solo (end of Cycle 1 / start of Cycle 2).

Concerto K.314 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (3 movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements)
Concerto by Domenico Cimarosa (4 movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements)
Concerto in F major by Johann Sebastian Bach (3 movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements)
Concerto in F major P.306 by Antonio Vivaldi (3 movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements)
Richard Strauss Concerto (4 movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements)
Benedetto Marcello Concerto (3 movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements)

The purpose of this collection is threefold:

- Make known as soon as possible and give the desire to listen to the original versions of the repertoire of this instrument.

- Prepare for work for the future performance of famous oboe concerti, by a simplified reading, slow tempos (but free), watered down or amputated difficulties.

- Reassure young students by allowing them to enjoy playing these pillars of the instrument's musical literature as soon as possible, that he will be called upon to rework later ...
Google machine translation: Original story of the work
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