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cover CALLIGRAMME SAX SEXTET (SAATTB) Resolute Music Publication
Robert LEMAY
Publisher : Resolute Music Publication
Genre : Instrumental music
Group : Saxophone
Style & options : Saxophone ensemble

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Saxophone sextet (SAATTB) featuring Soprano and Baritone. This piece employs performance spacing in the concert hall. Extended techniques include altissimo, multiphonics, slap-tonguing, and bisbigliandi. A conductor score is included with parts for this highly effective chamber work.

A Calligramme is in fact a poem where verses are assembled to form an object. Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) wrote several calligrammes that have remained famous [take from preface]. Calligramme is dedicated to Jean-Michel (Goury), Jean-Francois (Guay) and Jean-Marie (Londeix).
Google machine translation: Original story of the work

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