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Malte Burba, born in 1957, is one of the brass players the most interesting of our time. He studied trumpet, piano, musicology and music education. In addition to being a pioneer in the field of contemporary music, it is also recognized internationally as an expert who managed to assemble the puzzle elements consisting scientific anatomical, physiological, pneumatic, acoustic and neurological disorders, to develop successfully a complete and effective new technique. He created a revolutionary drive concept which allows, in conjunction with a sensitive artistic intuition, communicate and share experiences extraordinary musical brass on the most varied. He currently teaches at Mainz. Malte Burba, born in 1957, ranks Among the MOST interesting brass players of our time. He Studied trumpet, piano, musicology and music education. In addition to pioneering history Achievements in the Field of New Music, ET is regarded worldwide as the expert reconnu Who put together the puzzle of Entire scientific anatomy, physiology, pneumatics, acoustics and neurology to history Develop innovative training concept Which, When Combined with sensory artistic intuition, leads to extraordinary musical experiences are diverse brass instruments. He is Currently teaching in Mainz.
Google machine translation: Malte BURBA's original bio

cover Omnibus Marc Reift
Publisher : Marc Reift
Genre : Instrumental music
(EMR181) : 38,57

cover Scales / Skalen / Gammes Marc Reift
Scales / Skalen / Gammes
Publisher : Marc Reift
Genre : Instrumental music
(EMR180) : 26,38