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photo Louis ARAGON

Louis Aragon (October 3, 1897 in Neuilly-sur-Seine - 24 December 1982, Paris) was a French writer, poet and novelist, especially, but also a journalist, essayist, and author, in his youth, a few plays. Natural son of Louis Andrieux (former Senator from Forcalquier) and Marguerite Toucas, Louis Aragon, in 1924, after participating in Dada, one of the founders of the surrealist movement with André Breton, Paul Eluard and Philippe Soupault. With some members of the surrealist group, he joined the French Communist Party, which remains faithful to the end of his life. It becomes critical to the USSR after Stalin's death and the revelations by Khrushchev crimes of Stalinism. His poetry is largely inspired from the 1940s, by his love for his wife, Elsa Triolet, writer, too, and step-sister of Vladimir Mayakovsky. His book carries the watermark secret wound that he had not been recognized by his father, Louis Andrieux, Prefect and diplomat, 30 years older than his mother, Marguerite Toucas. The latter, in order to preserve the honor of his family and his lover, posing as the adopted son of his mother and Andrieux, for its sponsor. It discusses what was the secret drama of his life in a small volume of poems entitled Private Property. It is also, with Robert Desnos, Paul Eluard, Jean Prevost, Jean-Pierre Rosnay and some others, among the poets who took resolute party, during the Second World War, for resistance against Nazism. This is the subject of another deep wound: the break with his friend Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, after "wavering between communism and fascism" (see A woman at the window) turned to Nazism. Kind of suicide, which leads him to really commit suicide after the Liberation. There are also "works cross" between these two geniuses: Gilles and Aurélien. After the death of his wife in 1970, Aragon indicates preference homosexual, that Drieu La Rochelle had evoked the 1930s, in particular Gilles. Roger Nimier said moreover, about him: "This is the only man able to attend a meeting of the Central Committee of the PCF in pink tuxedo". He died December 24, 1982, watched over by his friend Jean Ristat. He is buried in the grounds of Moulin de Villeneuve, in his property in Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines, alongside his girlfriend Elsa Triolet.
Google machine translation: Louis ARAGON's original bio

cover Smell of blueberries Robert Martin
Smell of blueberries
Publisher : Robert Martin
Genre : Instrumental music
Group : Voice
(ARAG02875) : 19,38

cover There have been Robert Martin
There have been
Arr : Jean Francois BASTEAU
Publisher : Robert Martin
Genre : Instrumental music
Group : Voice
(ARAG02869) : 19,38