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Jean-Marie LONDEIX

photo Jean-Marie LONDEIX

Student of Marcel Mule and Jean Rivier, He was professor of saxophone at the Conservatoire de Dijon for eighteen years, then at the Conservatoire de Bordeaux. A regular guest at U.S. universities and in various countries where he became the defender of his instrument in the classical repertoire.
He founded a saxophone quartet called the Body of French saxophone with Roland Audefroy, Jacques Guy Lacour and Melzer, Saxophone Ensemble and Bordeaux, consisting of twelve saxophones.
He has written three books on the saxophone repertoire, but also a method in 5 volumes, studies, didactic plays and numerous transcripts. He asked many composers whose works he created. Among other Edison Denisov's Sonata. It has continued to develop the repertoire of the saxophone, including working with Christian Lauba Francois Rosse or the development of a specific directory idiomatic. He is particularly interested in the musical possibilities afforded by the development of new techniques.
He founded 1971 the AsSaFra (Association of the saxophonists of France), "The first association of musicians ever assembled in the world" in his words. His association has played an undeniable role in place of the saxophone in the world today. The AsSaFra still exists today and has become the A. SAX (Association saxophonists).
Google machine translation: Jean-Marie LONDEIX's original bio