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The concert performer and composer was born in Lima Peru. He's introduced to the guitar at age 8 and following his studies at the National Conservatory of Lima, where he graduated in 1978. The Unesco granted him a scholarship, he studied at the Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris and then at the Guildhall School of Music in London. There were as guitar teachers, Alberto Ponce, Javier Hinojosa and Abel Carlevaro. In composition, Celso Garrido Lecca, Narcis Bonet and Antonio Ruiz Pipo. In 1988 he received the "Centennial Medal of Heitor Villa-Lobos", awarded by the Brazilian government in recognition of his interpretative. His artistic life includes tours, composition, direction of chamber orchestras in Lima and Paris and the international festivals that have come to play in major concert halls of Europe, the United States and America South. Javier Echecopar Mongilardi conducted for several years a precious and profound study of the work of Peruvian music, basically centered on two main aspects: the Baroque colonial and folk tradition. This work has taken him across the much of the country to find and preserve the directory and technique of traditional music. He also made many researches in cathedrals, convents, museums and foreign. He published several books and sheet music and traditional Peruvian Baroque. He recorded nine discs and 4 documentaries. He has composed numerous works, many of them were published in Europe. He was the founder of Peruvian Music Research Centre SAYWA Lima and Paris, Centre A. I. C. A. (Association for the Integration of Andean Cultures). In 1992, he founded and co-chairs the Association of American GUIA Guitarists. In 1993 he was appointed Paris correspondent to the Unesco International Fund for the Promotion of Culture for the program "Artists Across Frontiers". He participated with the University of Paris Sorbonne at the Symposium "Cultural Miscegenation in Latin America". In 1994 the Minister of Education and Culture of Peru said his works of cultural significance to the nation. In 2001 he founded the Cultural Association in Peru for the Study of Music, ACEM, as a new project to preserve the musical heritage of Peru. He now divides his career between recording the new disc, master classes and concerts around the world. Dependent of each music program, Javier Echecopar uses different guitars during his presentations: John Price (Australia 1998), Daniel Moncloa (Peru 1997), Joseph Benedid (Spain C. 1790), Miguel Farfan (Peru 1863).
Google machine translation: JAVIER ECHOCOPAR MONGILARDI's original bio

cover Quatre Siecles de Guitare Robert Martin
Quatre Siecles de Guitare
Publisher : Robert Martin
Genre : Compact Discs
Group : CD instrumental music
(CD00055) : 19,07