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photo Janko NILOVIC

I made the conservatory but I did not do any real way. I learned more on the job. As Stravinsky or Bartok (laughs). Rimsky Korsakov himself was also more or less self-taught and yet he wrote some of the best books about music and music theory. At what point did you start composing?Janko Nilovic: 17 years. Where were you at that time?Nilovic Janko: I was in Istanbul. I was born at the Embassy of France in Istanbul and that's why I was in French territory. I sent my first partition to the famous jazz school in Boston (he unsuccessfully sought the name) and from that moment I really took a liking to the composition. I started a band first and then in Istanbul rythm'n'blues I arrived in France where I immediately started composing and playing the piano. What are your first musical experiences in France?Janko Nilovic: Many balls until 1962. As my mother was Greek I spoke also Greek, so I knew the whole gang of Melina Mercouri. The film "Never On Sunday" was a real success at the time. I had the coordinates of a group of Greek musicians who have joined me as a guitarist and not as a pianist, because they played standing (laughs). So I learned the guitar in three months (laughs). Then they told me: listen, we will not, we already have a guitar and bouzouki, you need a low. So I learned the bass in 3 months (laughs). It is truly the ones who started me in business in France. Then I met Christian Fechner, currently director of Gaumont International, which at the time was at Vogue and took care of Anthony and other groups. I made my first arrangements with him and other singers. I did not know yet what the middle of the range. After I met people like Michel Jonasz, Jump The Gun or Pascal Danel who I really started working full time as arranger. I also co-wrote some songs with Michel Jonasz. All this continued until 1969 where I finally let Jonasz. At that time I was being insulted all over the disc does not work: it was necessarily the fault of the arranger (laughs). That's when I joined this new record label, Montparnasse 2000, and also Neuilly or Sforzando. 6 months later I could buy my house (laughs).
Google machine translation: Janko NILOVIC's original bio

Publisher : Martin Musique
Genre : CD harmonie
(9790231054590) : 9,23