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photo Bill TAMPER

Bill TAMPER Trombone Arranger Conductor
1922 Tusna (Peru) / November 10 1991
This renowned soloist, from Peru, whose family emigrated to 1930 the United States came, in May 1950, in France where it is installed. He then performed and recorded with many jazz musicians present in our country for more than twenty five years. He was hired by many conductors (Jack DIEVAL, André PERSIANY, Benny BENNET, Harry PERRET, Bill Coleman, Jacques HELIAN, Claude Bolling ...), who often used his talents as an arranger.
Among its many services in the capital, It may be recalled that :
Le 16 DecemberDecember 1950, He participates, with Bernard Peiffer (PianoPianoPiano), Bernard Hulin (TrumpetTrumpet), Hubert FOL (alto saxsax alto) and Bobby JASPAR (tenor saxsax ténor, clarinetclarinet, Flute) inter alia, the Night Jazz COLISEUM. It is the 19 OctoberOctoberOctober 1951 in this room with, This time Jack BUTLER (TrumpetTrumpet), Henri RENAUD (PianoPianoPiano), Robert Mavounzy (sax, clarinetclarinet) and Gérard "Dave" Pochonet (3950drumsdrums), at a party organized by the F.A.F. (Franco ? American Fellowship). Current 1951, it occurs at the CARAVAN in an orchestra where he met Harry PERRETHarry PERRET, Christmas SEYS (3956saxphonessaxphones) and "Dave" Pochonet. The 4 DecemberDecember 1951, program is a jazz concert held at ROXY. End 1951 / Early 1952, he works, with Bobby JASPAR, Emmanuel Soudieux (bassbass) and Pierre Lemarchand (3950drumsdrums), in the orchestra of the Jack DIEVAL restaurant MAXIM 'S and participatesJack DIEVAL au restaurant MAXIM’ S et participe, with the same, The 15 et 16 OctoberOctoberOctober 1951 to a television. The 23 February 1952, it is part of a quartet assembled by Jack DIEVAL for a concert presented by the Théâtre National Populaire in the CHAMPS ELYSEES THEATRE. At the end of that yearJack DIEVAL pour un concert présenté par le Théâtre National Populaire au THEATRE des CHAMPS ELYSEES. A la fin de cette année-là, he plays in a quartet with Andre Persiany (PianoPianoPiano), Charlie BLAREAU (bassbass) and "Dave" Pochonet to RINGSIDE where it also intends to 1953 et 1954. Le 23 OctoberOctoberOctober 1953, on the film scene Cluny PALACE, it is part of "Swingstars" trumpeter Bill Coleman giving two concerts (morning and evening). During the 3rd International Exhibition of Jazz, 1 to 7 June 1954 the Pleyel Hall, He is a member of "Gerard Pochonet All Stars", also including guitarist Jean-Pierre Sasson, Guy Lafitte (tenor sax) and Michel VILLERS (baritone sax) accompanying trumpeter Jonah Jones. First 1955, it appears (including his counterpart Benny Vasseur) in the formation of large André PERSIANY which passes attraction GAUMONT PALACE and accompanies the singer Anny Gould. The same year, he joined the orchestra of Jacques HELIAN where he remained until its dissolutionJacques HELIAN où il restera jusqu’à sa dissolution, le 15 March 1957. Within this training, very popular for more than ten years, it provides, du 2 au 7 January 1957, under the leadership of vibraphonist SADI, replacing the chief hospitalized, twelve representations whose programs are primarily oriented jazz, ZENITH cinema. Bill TAMPER, which sometimes, in Yearsin Years 50, assisted in the dance band of dancing : TAHITIAN CLUB, formed part, in Yearsin Years 70 / 80, the orchestra of the LIDO and recorded extensively in the big band of Claude BOLLINGb
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