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*Solinotes Clef de Sol
Solinotes clef*
  (FLEC05057) : 21,26   Ajouter au panier

cover Solinotes clef Robert Martin
Publisher : Robert Martin
Grade : Cycle 1
Genre : Instrumental music
Group : Clarinet

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1. 4 re# E#
MP3 Sample
2. 9 sol# G#
MP3 Sample

12 short pieces on every note of the chromatic scale for the first months of instruments (with different accompaniments). page 1 rating, 1 piece. It's not that simple. Here are 12 pieces that invite you to come in different styles and different ways to play music. Once you learn a new note, you can try to play the song that goes with. As n is a note that, you know that you can focus on concepts very important in music, such as:
Nuances, monitoring the heartbeat, listen to the accompaniment, invent
And especially play with style. For larger. The two duets are designed to even tone instrument. Feel free to make all necessary octaviations for a note, a sentence or more to shape the piece in your hand (instrument type, degree of advancement of the student or accompanying). The piano parts are simple enough to be played by a non-pianist, or a beginner pianist. Up to you to invent the "formatting" of the report:
? small moments during play,
? Continued from several parts with a "staging".
Google machine translation: Original story of the work
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