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LES POILUS for wind band
Set Wind Band (HALP05444-BA) : 67,64   Ajouter au panier

Full score (HALP05444-CO) : 22,37   Ajouter au panier

cover LES POILUS Robert Martin

Publisher : Robert Martin
Genre : Orchestra
Group : Wind band
Style & options : Military marches

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It is a well forgotten today who signs a part-witness the most interesting composer. Fernand Halphen (1872-1917), from a wealthy Jewish family in Paris, was a composer and patron. He was a student of Gabriel Fauré and Jules Massenet at the Conservatoire de Paris. He won the second Prix de Rome in 1896 and was celebrated for his compositions for chamber music, his symphonic pieces, melodies, and the lyrical magic, Ornate Cor, given at the Opéra-Comique in 1904. Lieutenant in the 13th Regiment of Territorial Infantry during the First World War, it is among the few composers to have founded a military band. He was the leader for three years, before dying of disease 1917, at the age of forty five years. The military march Hairy date 1915. It is a tribute to Colonel Le Moyne and 13th RIT
Google machine translation: Original story of the work

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