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*Les Africains , Tambours et Clairons
Africans , drum and bugle* for wind band
Set Wind Band (BOYE01773-BA) : 80,46   Ajouter au panier

Full score (BOYE01773-CO) : 27,96   Ajouter au panier

cover Africans , drum and bugle Robert Martin
Publisher : Robert Martin
Grade : Or:2
Genre : Orchestra
Group : Wind band
Style & options : Military marches

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Africans Félix Boyer
Born into a family of musicians, Félix Boyer (1890-1980) formed at the Paris Conservatoire with Xavier Leroux and Paul Fauchet and takes over management at the Schola Cantorum with Vincent d'Indy. He is the author of the song drink a little help is nice (1910). Promoted music 1914 he took part in the entire conflict and war continues after his military career. Prisoner 1940 and released 1941 he went to Algiers. Head of Regional Music of Building the African Youth Northern French, and music of the Provisional Government of the French Republic in Algiers, he kept on 1941 Song of the Moroccan Division created 1915. Provided new lyrics, The Battle Hymn of Africans became the anthem of the 1st Army Gal de Lattre de Tassigny. On the occasion of commemorations of the War 1914-1918, it is essential to remember the contribution of the so-called "Moroccan" Division, composed of Algerian and Tunisian Riflemen, Zouaves and Legionnaires, and not Moroccan soldiers. This division is particularly illustrated in the Battle of the Marne (September 1914) then at the Battle of Artois (May 1915). All its regiments were listed in order of the army and the conflict, it will have in its ranks the most decorated units of the French army. She was the only division that all flags were decorated with the Legion of Honor during the First World War.
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